A Webflow alternative that takes no-code web development to the next level.

Both Framer and Webflow are capable, powerful professional tools used by thousands of companies, from running their entire site (including a CMS) to high-performing landing pages.
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Permar Vs. Optimizely
Webflow is a web builder that relies on a lot of HTML and CSS knowledge like classes. With Framer, the experience of building a website is very similar to the design workflow you are likely used to with Figma or Sketch – with added features and to make responsive, high-performing websites.
Webflow is a great tool and there are some things we would recommend them over Framer for like: e-commerce capabilities, a no-code membership layer and advanced logic (much like Zapier).

Create custom websites in a visual canvas with no code.

Much faster  (no rebuilding needed)

Webflow sites typically start in Figma or Sketch and have to be rebuilt from scratch in Webflow. Framer is a mix of a design tool and a web builder where you can start from scratch or import your Figma or Sketch projects project directly.

Much faster  (no rebuilding needed)

Webflow sites typically start in Figma or Sketch and have to be rebuilt from scratch in Webflow. Framer is a mix of a design tool and a web builder where you can start from scratch or import your Figma or Sketch projects project directly.

Much faster  (no rebuilding needed)

Webflow sites typically start in Figma or Sketch and have to be rebuilt from scratch in Webflow. Framer is a mix of a design tool and a web builder where you can start from scratch or import your Figma or Sketch projects project directly.

Download the app, or work from your browser.

Webflow is a browser-based tool, meaning you can’t install it as a standalone app on your computer. Framer works more like Figma, meaning you can download the app, or work from your browser – it’s your choice!